Essential HTML Tags List For Designing a HTML Web Page
HTML Tags List are very essential for any html web page designing.HTML
Means Hyper text markup language which help to visible a website data
or information to the viewer through various internet browser like
Google chrome,Mozilla Firefox,Internet Explorer and so on.
A lot of html tag are presently used for designing a html web page.It
is also essential to those people who are learning html languages and
also important to advance web page developer or designer.
Dear learner get a lot of free html tag list that will be more helpful for your better can also learn all html tags list with example.
A Lot of HTML tags list To design a web page:
HTMLTags Descriptions<!–…–> …………………………………….. Used For comment
<!DOCTYPE>………………………………………. .Define HTML DOC Type
<a> &</a> ………………………………………… .. Used for define a link
<abbr> ………………………………………. Used for give abbreviation
<acronym> ……………………………………… Used for give acronym
<address>……………………………………….. Used for giving author information.
<applet>………………………………..Used for to do applet
<area /> …… ……………………………… Used for image-map
<b>………………………………………. Used for to do bold a text.
<base />………….................….Specifies the base URL/target for all relative URLs in a document
<basefont /> …………………………… Used for determine font size and font color.
<bdo>…………………………………….Overrides the current text direction.
<big>……………………………………….. Used for large text.
<blockquote>………………………………………………… .Used for quotation
<body> ……………………………………..Used for html web page body.
<br />……………………………………………..Used for line break.
<button>………………………………………………………….Used for bring a button.
<caption>………….....…………………………. Used for caption
<center>…………………………………………………………. Used for taking a text in center.
<cite>……………………………………………Defines a citation
<code>…………………………………………………………….Used for showing code.
<col />…………………………………………..Used for giving a column in a table.
<colgroup>-…………………………………….. Specifies a group of one or more columns
in a table for formatting.
<div>……………………………………………….. Defines a section in a document.
<dd>………….............................................…….Defines a description of an item in a definition list
<dfn>……………………………………………….Defines a definition term
<del>…………………………………………………………….Used for removing a text.
<dfn>……………………………………………..Defines a definition term
<dir>…………………………………………………………….Used for bring directory list.
<dl>……………………………………………..Defines a definition list
<dt>………………………………………………………..Defines a term or an item in a definition list.
<em>……………………………………………………………Defines emphasized text
<fieldset>………………………………………………………Groups related elements in a form
<font>…………………………………………………………..Used for changing font size and color.
<form>………………………………………………………. …Used for bring html form.
<frame />…………………………………………………Defines a window (a frame) in a frame set.
<frameset>…………………………………………………….Defines a set of frames
<h1> to <h6>………………………………………………….Used for bring heading h1 to h6
<head>………………………………………………………….Used for bring head
<html> ……………………………………………………… Used for showing types of document.
<hr />…………………………………………………………. For a horizontal line.
<i>………………………………………………………………. Used for doing a font italic.
<iframe> ……………………………………………………… Used for bring iframe.
<img />…………………………………………………………. Used for bring image.
<input />………………………………….. Used for bring input form.
<ins>…………………………………………Defines text that has been inserted into a document
<kbd>........................................................ Defines keyboard input
<label>.....................................................-Defines a label for an-
<legend>————–Defines a caption for a
<li>——————–Defines a list item
<link />—————-Defines the relationship between
a document and an external resource
<map>—————–Defines a client-side image-map
<menu>—————Deprecated. Defines a menu list
<meta />————–Defines metadata about an HTML document
<noframes>———–Defines an alternate content for users
that do not support frames
<noscript>————Defines an alternate content for users
that do not support client-side scripts
<object>————–Defines an embedded object
<ol>——————-Defines an ordered list-
<optgroup>———–Defines a group of related options
in a drop-down list
<option>————–Defines an option in a drop-down list
<p>——————–Defines a paragraph
<param />————Defines a parameter for an object
<pre>——————Defines preformed text
<q>——————–Defines a short quotation
<s>——————–Deprecated. Defines strike-through text
<samp>—————Defines sample output from a computer program -
<script>—————Defines a client-side script
<select>—————Defines a drop-down list
<small>—————-Defines smaller text
<span>—————–Defines a section in a document
<strike>—————-Deprecated. Defines strike-through text
<strong>—————Defines strong text
<style>—————–Defines style information for a document-
<sub>——————Defines sub scripted text
<sup>——————Defines super scripted text
<table>—————–Defines a table
<tbody>—————-Groups the body content in a table
<td>——————–Defines a cell in a table
<textarea>————-Defines a multiline input control (text area)
<tfoot>—————–Groups the footer content in a table
<th>——————–Defines a header cell in a table
<thead>—————-Groups the header content in a table
<title>——————Defines a title for the document
<tr>———————Defines a row in a table
<tt>———————Defines teletype text
<u>———————Deprecated. Defines underlined text
<ul>———————Defines an unordered list
<var>——————-Defines a variable
<xmp>——————Deprecated. Defines preformed text
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